Apple為何會推翻之前的看法,一般認為可能是製造成本佔大部分原因,因為ThunderBolt介面的接頭成本需要10~15美元,而USB 3.0僅需2到3美元,這中間的價差如加乘上Mac系列的出貨量,可節省下的金額是相當驚人的!
Apple is apparently looking into USB 3.0 as an addition to costly Thunderbolt technology. According to VR Zone, Apple could go USB 3.0 even before Intel integrates USB 3.0 support in its chipsets.

Apple為何會推翻之前的看法,一般認為可能是製造成本佔大部分原因,因為ThunderBolt介面的接頭成本需要10~15美元,而USB 3.0僅需2到3美元,這中間的價差如加乘上Mac系列的出貨量,可節省下的金   

Jobs對於USB 3.0介面的論調猶言在耳,原本死硬不把USB 3.0加入Mac產品當中,反而是跟Intel搞了個曲高和寡的ThunderBolt介面,雖然在規格上確實是ThunderBolt介面較佳,不過其高額製造成本加上推廣廠商少,還有最重要的相容性問題,所以在市場上並不多見,目前也僅有Apple跟Sony兩家有推出自帶ThunderBolt介面的機種。

反觀USB 3.0因為可以向下相容USB 2.0,所以近來已經有取代USB 2.0成為主流的態勢,所以Apple也不敢違逆趨勢,宣布接下來將會把USB 3.0介面放入Mac的產品線中,讓消費者有更多的存儲介面可供選擇。

而Apple為何會推翻之前的看法,一般認為可能是製造成本佔大部分原因,因為ThunderBolt介面的接頭成本需要10~15美元,而USB 3.0僅需2到3美元,這中間的價差如加乘上Mac系列的出貨量,可節省下的金額是相當驚人的!而且這也可以看出新任CEO Cook對於成本控管的要求,不愧是推動控制Apple低價製造供應鏈的推手。

總而言之,Apple從善如流地採用USB 3.0介面對消費者、廠商都有好處,消費者如上所說有更多介面可以選擇,也跟舊有設備有更好的相容性,廠商端則是在對應Apple的產品上有更多方案,甚至是可以跟PC的產品線合併,雙贏!

Many observers were dumbfounded by Apple’s decision to hold off on USB 3.0 support, which was apparently passed over in favor of Thunderbolt, a much more advanced, but also a lot pricier standard. Apple is now apparently looking into third party USB 3.0 host controllers, which are said to cost about $2 to $3 in large quantities. Thunderbolt on the other hand costs $10 to $15 and it is a pretty costly solution, so it is unlikely to gain much traction in cheap peripherals and low end storage products.

Another perk would be backward compatibility. While Thunderbolt is a state-of-the-art standard, USB 2.0 is like the AK-47 of the tech world. It’s cheap, in widespread use and it just gets the job done. Apple is also looking into some more affordable approaches to Thunderbolt storage, which could result in reasonable priced storage solutions for individual consumers. Did we say reasonable? Strike that, this is Apple we are talking about.




    USB3.0 thunderbolt

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