We are expecting Apple to start sending out invites for their iPad Mini launch event tomorrow, and the event us rumored to take place on next Wednesday the 17th of October. We have seen a number of different photos of what are reported to be the new iPad Mini, and now some new ones have been posted online by @SonnyDickson, these ones look to be the most convincing to date and could possibly be photos of Apple’s new iPad Mini.    As you can see from the photos, the iPad Mini features a smaller display and size than the existing iPad, it is rumored to feature a 7.85 inch touchscreen display, plus there is also a new smaller lightning dock connector like on the new iPhone 5, have a look at the gallery below.    We are not sure if these are actual photos of Apple’s new iPad Mini, or photos of a mock up device, they certainly do look very convincing, we should have some more details on the new iPad Mini next week when it is officially unveiled by Apple.  

網路上流傳的 iPad Mini 模擬示意圖。

近日 iPad Mini 傳聞充斥著媒體版面,業內訊息紛紛指向蘋果(AAPL-US)預計周三(10日)就會寄出發表會邀請函,並緊接在數周後開賣。

甚至也從供應鍊傳出,蘋果看好 iPad Mini 將搭上年終購物旺季,預計本季出貨就會多達 1000 萬台,幾乎較 Kindle Fire 開賣首季出貨量多一倍。

究竟這款尺寸縮小的 iPad 有啥魔力,不過就是螢幕縮小、價格便宜點了嘛,何以預期將引爆另一波熱潮?

We are expecting Apple to start sending out invites for their iPad Mini launch event tomorrow, and the event us rumored to take place on next Wednesday the 17th of October. We have seen a number of different photos of what are reported to be the new iPad Mini, and now some new ones have been posted online by @SonnyDickson, these ones look to be the most convincing to date and could possibly be photos of Apple’s new iPad Mini.    As you can see from the photos, the iPad Mini features a smaller display and size than the existing iPad, it is rumored to feature a 7.85 inch touchscreen display, plus there is also a new smaller lightning dock connector like on the new iPhone 5, have a look at the gallery below.    We are not sure if these are actual photos of Apple’s new iPad Mini, or photos of a mock up device, they certainly do look very convincing, we should have some more details on the new iPad Mini next week when it is officially unveiled by Apple.  

聽了這位走訪數家 iPad Mini 零件供應商,看過並且摸過 iPad Mini 分析師的讚嘆後,或許你就會跟我一樣恍然大悟,立刻燃起高度期待了。

美國科技媒體《AllThingsD》周一(8日)報導,分析師稱許,iPad Mini 的設計將讓新 iPad 相形失色,不僅外觀更討喜,甚至連拿在手中的手感都升級了。

投資機構 Topeka Capital Markets 分析師 Brian White 在報告中表示,「蘋果完全不吝於透過眾所期待的 iPad Mini 展現美感」。

然而不知是否受限於商業機密,White 沒有進一步描述是如何「感覺不同」。

雖然先前對 iPad Mini 的臆測,大都圍繞在是螢幕由 9.7 吋縮小至 7.85 吋的小款新 iPad,Home 鍵設計與位置也相同;不過 《AllThingsD》指出,聽了分析師的形容後,或許表示有更多功能與驚喜尚未現身。

《AllThingsD》形容,蘋果 「只想作出偉大產品」的信念,將再次在 iPad Mini 展現。

作者: 鉅亨網編譯 呂燕智綜合外電 | 鉅亨網 – 2012年10月9日 下午3:35

    iPad mini iPad

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