美國以描述4個加州理工學院天才的宅男生活而備受歡迎的情境喜劇《天才理論傳》(The Big Bang Theory)中,曾經描述劇中天才中的天才謝爾頓‧庫珀(Sheldon Cooper)博士,13歲時試圖在自家後院架設一個核反應爐,為全鎮的居民提供免費的電力。結果在網購高純度鈾時被有關部門盯上,特工前來家訪並告訴他私人持有高純度鈾是非法的。
沒想到現實上真有其事!根據法新社28日加州長堤報導,美國18歲的威爾森(Taylor Wilson)設計出1種小型核子反應爐,未來將能燃燒舊核武廢料,替住宅、工廠甚至太空殖民地提供電力。
威爾森在自己架設的「泰勒的核能站」(Taylor’s Nuke Site)上如此自我介紹,「我的名字是泰勒‧威爾森。我是名青少年核能科學家。我對所有與核能、放射性及導體相關領域的研究感到著迷。我研究的興趣包含應用核能物理與核能發展史。」
Nuclear Fusion
My early obsession with radioactivity, around the age of 11, I decided to build a Farnsworth Fusor.
Invented by Philo Farnsworth, the "father of the TV", the fusor is an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (IEC) fusion reactor. Using the Deuterium-Deuterium, 2H(d,n)3He, fusion reaction it can become a very effective neutron source. Neutron fluxes produced with such a device average between 105 and 107 neutrons/sec which make neutron activation of several elements possible. With the device I built became the 31st and youngest person to ever create nuclear fusion.
Measuring Neutrons (Proof of Fusion):
Control Panel:
Fusion "star"
Pulsed Power:
This project started in Summer, 2011. The Plasma Focus, another form of Beam-Target Fusion Reactor, operated in a pulsed modality. Developed in the early 1960s independently by Mather and Filipinov, it uses a large capacitor bank to induce a discharge in fairly high (compared with that of a Fusor) pressure gas (1-10 Torr).