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Award-winning French startups at COMPUTEX 2018 in Taipei


La French Tech banner takes the lead in global prime tech events since 2013: CES Las Vegas, Mobile World Congress, SXSW, Web Summit, and many more, with the commitment of the national agency Business France. As COMPUTEX is the most important tech event in Asia, it’s only natural for la French Tech, to strike back in Taiwan. In 2017, startups from France took the exhibition by storm, rising as the most dynamic international delegation, shining attention to solid companies such as Sigfox, Devialet and Nahimic. 

In 2018, for the third consecutive year, Business France to bring incredible coverage for the COMPUTEX, with strong and award-winning companies from France. All of them won accolades by the most prestigious recognitions: CES Innovation Awards, Med Startup award, Station F program, etc. Located in the InnoVEX hall, “this selection is aimed to show the best of French technology, covering AI, VR but also IoT, connectivity, healthcare, and the hot topic of privacy. We prioritize innovative companies with great potential for collaboration with Taiwan tech partners,” says Gia To, Senior trade advisor at Business France. “Being part of la French Tech gave us a great visibility, especially with the pitch sessions and the good media coverage” says Cedric Chappaz of Hap2U, French Tech startups at InnoVEX 2017. 

With the worldwide actions, France is recognized as one of the world’s fastest growing tech ecosystems, fueled by world class talent, support for startups and entrepreneur-friendly policies. That’s why in addition to the startups, Business France presents two important incubators and accelerators from France: 3DExperience Lab by Dassault Systèmes, and EuraTechnologies. 

3DEXPERIENCE Lab is a startup accelerator program for disruptive startups in the world, powered by Dassault Systèmes, the leader in 3D software, like SolidWorks, Catia, empowering all the creativity of all tech projects. EuraTechnologies, the French incubator and accelerator, is a centre of excellence and innovation located in Lille on 80,000 m². Established in 2009, EuraTechnologies has been ranked in Europe’s top 10 accelerators by Fundacity, with 300+ companies, 4000+ employees, 300+ supported projects, 500+ annual events, 170M € + fundraising. 

Rendez-vous at Computex / InnoVEX, June 6th to 8th!





法國科技 (La French Tech) 繼去年於 InnoVEX 成為最活躍的國際組團單位後,今年法國在台協會商務處連續第三年參展,持續與外 貿協會合作,將再度在 InnoVEX 中展示令人大開眼界的法國創新能量。

這次參展的法國團隊涵蓋人工智慧(Snips:AI 聲控助理)、VR/AR (Go Touch VR:VR/AR 觸覺解決方案, 3dRudder:以雙腳操縱的控制器)、聲音音效(Tempow:藍芽連結多播放裝置, Nahimic:3D 音效解決方案)、物聯網(Digitsole:智慧鞋子與鞋墊)、健康醫療(Team8:促進兒童健康的數位手錶, R-PUR:兩輪族 的高過濾力防汙口罩)等相關領域,且獲得許多重要獎項如 CES Innovation Awards 創新獎肯定,與台灣的科技業公司具有相當大的合作潛力。

2017 年於 InnoVEX 展出的法國科技新創公司 Hap2U 的執行長 Cedric Chappaz 表示,「成為法國科技的一員給了我們絕佳的能見度,特別是 在媒體曝光與產品提案的部分」。

另外,兩家法國重要的新創育成及加速中心也將來台參與此次盛會,分別為達梭系統(Dassault Systemes)的 3DEXPERIENCE Lab 和來自法國北部城市里爾(Lille)的 EuraTechnologies。

3DEXPERIENCE Lab 是為顛覆性的新創公司設立的加速計畫,達梭系統本身也是許多 3D 軟體如 SolidWorks、Catia 的領導者。

EuraTechnologies 則是一個專注於卓越和創新、面積八萬平方公尺的加速器與育成中心,已輔導超過 300 間新創公司、協助籌得超過 1 億 7 千萬歐元的資金。

法國藉著政府的強力支持、跨國企業的協力、勇於創新的企業家精神及新興技術,已成為歐洲 重要的新創大國。從 2013 年起,法國科技便積極提升全球能見度,並由 Business France (在台灣為法國在台協會商務處)主要籌辦並帶領法國科技(La French Tech)參與全球各大科技相關展 會,如美國拉斯維加斯國際消費電子展(CES)、西班牙巴塞隆納世界行動通訊大會(MWC)、美國 德州 SXSW 展、Web Summit 等。



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