(法新社舊金山29日電) 網路龍頭Google今天發表研究顯示,美國人生活充斥多種螢幕,遊走於智慧型手機、平板電腦、一般電腦和電視之間。 根據Google報告「嶄新多螢幕世界:了解跨平台消費行為」(The New Multi-screen World:Understanding Cross-Platform Consumer Behavior),9/10美國人會一個接一個地使用多種螢幕產品。 Google表示,人們已經開始用手機讀取郵件,在電腦搜尋電視上所見的產品資訊等。 研究說,77%的人看電視時,手裡同時會使用另一種電子產品,通常是平板電腦或智慧型手機,上網搜尋在電視上看到的訊息。 Google引述這些發現是要證明,廣告商順應民眾穿梭各種螢幕間的潮流,開發新的廣告推銷方式才是聰明之舉。(譯者:中央社徐嘉偉)  

Today 90% of our media consumption occurs in front of a screen. As consumers balance their time between smartphones, tablets, PCs and Televisions, they are learning to use these devices together to achieve their goals.  

(法新社舊金山29日電) 網路龍頭Google今天發表研究顯示,美國人生活充斥多種螢幕,遊走於智慧型手機、平板電腦、一般電腦和電視之間。

根據Google報告「嶄新多螢幕世界:了解跨平台消費行為」(The New Multi-screen World:Understanding Cross-Platform Consumer Behavior),9/10美國人會一個接一個地使用多種螢幕產品。




Today 90% of our media consumption occurs in front of a screen. This cross-platform behavior is quickly becoming the norm, and understanding it has become an imperative for businesses. Here are some insights from our latest research:

  • 90% of consumers begin a task on one device and then complete it on another device. Smartphones are by far the most common starting point for this sequential activity.
  • TV no longer commands our full attention. In a typical day 77% of viewers use another device while they are watching TV. Because of this, a business's TV strategy should be closely aligned and integrated with the marketing strategies for digital devices.
  • While consumers are using more than one device simultaneously, content viewed on one device can trigger specific behavior on the other. Businesses should therefore not limit their conversion goals and calls to action to only the device where they were initially displayed.

Discover many more valuable multi-screen insights.


New Google report reveals the “multi-screen world”  


Google recently released data about multiple screen use, under the title“The New Multi-screen World: Understanding Cross-Platform Consumer Behaviour.”Whilst it’s not the catchiest of titles, the document itself does provide an interesting insight into consumer use of certain devices, which could prove particularly useful to web designers and digital marketers alike.

The report separates multi-screen use into two primary categories – sequential screening, where the user moves from one device to another to achieve a single goal, and simultaneous screening, where they use multiple devices at the same time. 90% of people use their devices sequentially, with 98% moving between devices on the same day.

Online shopping in particular is a multi-screen activity – 67% of people have used multiple devices sequentially to shop online. Interestingly, tablets are most often the starting point for shopping and trip planning, and 81% of smartphone purchases are spontaneous, highlighting the opportunity to target certain types of ads more specifically towards these mobile devices.

With the average consumer using a combination of 3 different screens every single day, it seems that the multi-screen world is truly upon us, and this is having a knock-on effect in a number of industries. The web design industry, for instance, must recognise the necessity to optimise sites for a variety of platforms, whereasdigital marketing has needs to focus on directing appropriate ads to various types of devices.


Are your company’s strategies up to speed in the multi-screen world?

Click to enlarge


調查/67%消費行為跨越單螢幕 多螢幕時代已然到來

Nownews 記者甘偉中/綜合報導







▲ 手機、平板、電腦、電視四種螢幕,用戶每次使用的時間不同(圖片取自/網路)











Reference: 網路


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